Explore our stock of pre-owned modular buildings
Discover our current range of pre-owned modular buildings, available for purchase or refurbishment. Whether you're looking for additional office space, classrooms or versatile structures for other sectors, our stock offers cost-effective and sustainable solutions tailored to your needs.

New 16′ x 9′ Portable Cabin In Stock
Reference: Stock 16' x 9' Sale Price: £8250 +vat- Size: 16' x 9'
- Construction: Jackleg
- Finish: Plastisol
- Application: Open Plan Cabin

This NEWLY Manufactured Portable Cabin is in stock and available for delivery.
Comprising of:
- Plastic coated steel external walls in Goosewing Grey
- Plastic coated steel corner trims, fascia and jacklegs in Anthracite
- 2 No. White uPVC double glazed windows
- 1 No. Security Steel door with vision panel
- PVC Roofing Blanket System
- White vinyl faced plasterboard lined ceiling and walls
- LED lighting
- Electrical panel heater
- Vinyl floor covering in mid grey
- 13 amp double power points
- RCD consumer unit
- 12 month warranty

Sell Your Portable Building
Wernick Refurbished Buildings are happy to make an offer to purchase your modular building or portable cabins.
If you are considering the disposal of a portable building please try our quick service.