Ruislip Lido Woodlands Centre

Visitors to Ruislip Lido, one of West London’s top beauty spots, are now enjoying the newly constructed Woodlands Centre and catering facility.
The building was provided as part of a £2 million Hillingdon Council programme to enhance the area and boasts a classroom, exhibition room, café and an office for the newly appointed Ruislip Lido Manager.
A modular building was chosen for a fast track build meaning there would be less disruption to visiting schools who regularly bring groups of pupils to visit the neighbouring ancient woodlands. Having previously worked with Hillingdon Council, Wernick Buildings, a British off-site construction specialist, were asked to do a feasibility study for the new building in 2011. A full turnkey solution was later provided which included all design, planning and building regulations for the new building. The site location meant there were many challenges for this project due to the limited site access and tight construction area. Wernick also provided a block of changing rooms and public toilets for this project.
The new centre was officially unveiled by Hillingdon Council Leader, Ray Puddifoot and the Mayor and Mayoress of Hillingdon, Allan and Lynne Kauffman, on 13th August 2013.
Response to the new building by local people can only be described as ecstatic. At the opening, Lorna from Hillingdon commented: “It is beautiful here, all credit to the Council for opening the Woodland Centre.”
Ruislip Lido is a reservoir and artificial beach and is enjoyed by hundreds of families during the summer. The two year enhancement programme also includes refurbishment of the railway’s Woody Bay and Willow Lane Stations, plus the installation of new rain shelters. Completion is to be celebrated with a fireworks display on the 20th October 2013.
It is beautiful here, all credit to the Council for opening the Woodland Centre.