Godolphin School
Wernick Buildings has supplied additional teaching space to Slough’s Local Education Authority in double quick time.
“My senior staff visited a Wernick school building not far from here to see what a modular building looked like”, stated Arina Hester, head teacher of Godolphin Infant School, in Slough. “They were surprised because it did not look very much different from any other new, traditionally constructed school building, except that it was very smart and air-conditioned”.
Arina’s accommodation problems started when local parents started to register their children for the 2010-2011 academic year. The school population in its catchment area is increasing at a rate above the national average. Although Arina and the local education authority were well aware of this trend, the figures they had did not reflect the real situation.
Fortunately funds were available for “areas of most need” and Godolphin had a very strong case to obtain the cash that was required, but these building developments do not happen overnight. However, the project was quickly approved, architect’s designs passed and the job completed in six months.
Wernick was appointed to supply the new 13 bay modular building which was delivered over two days, with on-site finishing work taking just eight weeks. Delivery started in June and the building was completed in August. This would not have been achievable using traditional building techniques.
The ‘L’ shaped, 417 square metre building has two very large classrooms which can be rapidly divided into four rooms by drawing sound-proof screens. There is also a spacious staff office and large store for each classroom. The exterior is finished in cedar cladding and an attractive acrylic render.
“Initial staff reaction to the new building can only be described as ecstatic,” said Arina. “One teacher was seen dancing with delight at the size, specification and finish of her new room. These new rooms, even with the folding partitions closed, are twice the size of the rooms in the old school”.
Initial staff reaction to the new building can only be described as ecstatic,” said Arina. “One teacher was seen dancing with delight at the size, specification and finish of her new room. These new rooms, even with the folding partitions closed, are twice the size of the rooms in the old school