Procurement & frameworks

We can provide a number of procurement options for your next build project.

Whether a temporary or permanent, we are an approved supplier for modular buildings and offsite construction solutions on many of the UK’s most trusted frameworks.

Direct award

The most straightforward way is to simply approach us directly. With our full turnkey service we can deliver your project from start to finish. For more information on our turnkey service.


If you need a compliant procurement route Wernick company divisions have membership of a number of national and local frameworks.

What are the benefits of a framework?


  • No need for costly procurement exercises; frameworks pre-qualify suppliers to ensure your building is supplied by industry leaders at competetive prices.
  • You can further streamline the procurement process on select frameworks with a single action tender for projects of any value.


  • Wernick only supply to frameworks which comply with UK regulations and EU directives. All national frameworks we supply to use OJEU compliant agreements.

What does it take to become a supplier?

To ensure their clients are receiving the best possible service, framework providers put their suppliers through a rigorous selection process. Potential suppliers are assessed on a wide variety of criteria and need to demonstrate high standards throughout their business to be selected. Some of the criteria that Wernick Buildings have been assessed on include:

  • Health and Safety
  • Expertise
  • Quality Management
  • Financial Stability
  • Environmental Management
  • Social Value Efforts

Wernick Group companies are currently members of the following frameworks:

CIF funding support

The Condition Improvement fund is capital funding given to eligible sixth form colleges and academies, primarily to ensure buildings are kept safe and in good working order. Funds could be allocated to address health and safety, building compliance or building condition issues.

Modular school building - Brampton Academy
Can I use CIF funding for a new building?

Yes, funding can be used to address overcrowding issues or in some circumstances create additional places. There are three categories of projects that are eligible for CIF funding: condition, condition with expansion, and expansion. Of the two bids that a college or academy can make, only one can be an expansion project.

Will modular construction help my CIF bid submission?

CIF projects are judged on three weighted criteria: project need (60%), project planning (15%) and project cost (25%). The project need criterion has been reduced this year to give the cost criterion extra weight, and this is where modular construction can benefit your bid. By specifying a more efficient construction process, with less waste and shorter programmes, you’ll be able to demonstrate a cost-efficient approach to your expansion project.

Modular Building - Brampton Academy Foyer
What can we do to help?

We’re offering to help education establishments prepare their CIF bids for expansion projects. We can provide a feasibility assessment to be included in your bid, including a cost estimate. With our decades of experience we can provide expert advice to help you improve your bid submission and your premises.

Want more information?

For more information on how we can support you with procurement routes and CIF funding, click button below or call us on 0800 112 4640.

Brampton Academy Modular School