Modular building manufacturer

The more dependable factory built programme offered with modular construction can be up to 50% faster than traditional build and often costs far less. All our buildings are manufactured under ISO:9001 and ISO14001.

Wernick modular building factory

Offsite construction is a faster, greener and smarter way to build

Our modular buildings aren’t just built out on site; they are the product of carefully manufactured components. Each of these parts is built at our factory, to strict measurements and tolerances using much of the same building materials as used in traditional construction. The building modules are transported to their location to be installed on site.

Using this method, we can install a two storey building in a matter of days.


Our greener process

Sustainability is inherent throughout the construction of our buildings.


Controlled factory processes

Waste is greatly reduced by the optimal use of materials with almost nothing going to landfill

Optimised design

Buildings are designed to maximise the amount of work that can be completed in the factory

Faster build programme

A shortened onsite build programmed means fewer vehicles and operatives on location, reducing any impact on the surrounding areas

Less materials

Compared to ‘traditional’ buildings, modular building projects require around 50% less concrete and 25% less steel

Recycled buildings

Modular buildings can be recycled or repurposed into new buildings when the building is no longer required

Solar powered factory

Our manufacturing facility in South West Wales utilises solar panels for energy

Factory tours

There’s no better way to learn about offsite construction than seeing the process up close.  We don’t just want to show you what we do; we want to introduce you to the world of modular construction and all its possibilities.

We welcome any schools or educational bodies that would be interested in visiting the factory and can tailor content to suit a variety of age ranges and interests.

If Wernick is supplying classrooms for your school it may be of interest to bring a selection of pupils to the site where their new building is being made – and show them the process that goes into making the classrooms they’ll soon be occupying.

Bespoke tours are available on request.
