Video update on the new Group head office

13th August 2019
Andy King Update on Head Office at Wickford

The Wernick head office is undergoing a £3 million transformation.

It began with a purpose-built PMflex® building, delivered and installed in late January. Wernick Hire and Wernick Buildings staff moved into the modern, fully-branded space shortly after.

Now, Group staff are packing up their desks and excitedly preparing to move into the second structure, the flagship Swiftplan® building.

The impressive 24 module, 1000sqm, 2-storey building incorporates numerous architectural flourishes and will serve as a demonstration building for visitors.

Andy King, Deputy Managing Director of Wernick Buildings, reveals more in our latest video.

Read more about the Swiftplan® modular system.

Watch video Part 1 ‘Introducing the Swiftplan® Building for the Head Office Development’.